Tibetan Dzi Beads – Mysterious Powerful Amulets

Dzi beads is widely known as “Heaven’s Beads 天珠” and are believed to bring positive divine benefit to the owner. That is the reason why they are often used for protective talisman or amulet. It possesses the capacity to safeguard its wearer from negative energy.

The Tibetan beads are said to bring the owner/wearer good fortune, health and luck, as well as being a very protective thing to wear every day.

Dzi Beads Benefits

1 Eye Dzi – The pearl of brilliance / merit / wisdom / cleansing and power to realize and fulfil the most important wish in your life of light / brings forth hope.

一眼  獲得西方阿彌陀佛的加持。象徵清明舒暢、達成願望、得財添壽、無往不利、清靜祥和、凈化身心、剛毅堅忍、健康如意等意

1 Eye Mountain Dzi – On top of what a normal One Eye Dzi can bring, this Dzi can provide abundance for both career and family. This is one of the must have Dzi for all collectors.

一眼靠山天珠 – 絕品天珠。後面的兩座山是事業和家庭的養山,可以調和興旺家庭及事業的各種因素,達到完美人生的極致,是任何人都期待擁有的佛教聖物。

2 Eye Dzi – For those who are looking for love, their soul mate to create a family or want to strengthen their marriage. This Dzi helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. In addition, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person wiser.

兩眼天珠 – 主桃花運,極利情侶溝通和增進夫妻感情,佩帶後可以調和雙方五行,圓融家庭和事業的衝突。最利金命和水命之人。象徵夫妻和睦、家庭美滿、堅定意志、清凈人心等意。

3 Eye Dzi – Means success, wealth, long life full of health and fortunate opportunities. This is one of the most powerful beads for attraction of financial wealth, as well as, health, family, love, luck, career, wealth, creative success.

三眼天珠 – 藏族的財神天珠。是佛之身口意功德加持的緣起顯現,可以獲得福、祿、壽的吉祥能量補充,代表吉星高照、障礙平息、財富不斷。是一顆能圓滿健康與財富的天珠。

4 Eye Dzi – Symbol of the 4 Bodhisattvas and their blessings. Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who put off entering Nirvana in order to help other beings attain enlightenment. Provides harmony, health luck, smoothen your endeavors, eradicate suffering. A Dzi for the spiritually inclined and those entangled in lawsuits.

四眼天珠 – 屬於事業部天珠,透過天地日月的能量吸引,可獲得四種智慧的開發緣起,並利於完成各種艱難的事情,掃清敵人與障礙,獲四大金剛護法保護。達到事業騰飛,財運四通八達、消除災厄的目的。

5 Eye Dzi – A representation of the blessings from the five Wealth Gods, who are said to help provide the beholder will prosperity and affluence. It's believed that the Dzi will help you encounter many good-willed people, with a long, wealthy life ahead of you.

五眼天珠 – 獲得東方金剛部、南方寶部、中央佛部、西方蓮花部、北方羯摩部五方佛的加持,成就身、口、意、功德、事業,並得五種財神護佑家業,大利富貴者鞏固和突進事業權勢等。對五行不利、生克複雜的人來說,極為寶貴,可以圓潤五行,調和命氣。是天眼珠中的珍品。

5 Eye Lightning Dzi The 5 circles form a knot on one side, while there is a lightning symbol on the other side of this Dzi. It helps to withstand negative powers, to overcome the obstacles and to attract luck and wealth.

五眼闪电天珠 – 地、水、火、风、空为五大元素,闪电为质量转换,有助于提升精神能量,调理虚弱体质,增加磁场的凝聚力,时时充满元气。五方佛加持,步步高升,氣宇不凡。使運勢飛腾高舉,財源不絕

6 Eye Dzi – This Dzi is believed to help you to overcome the six major obstacles in life. These are decrease in assets, being robbed, being cheated, accidents, disease and untimely death. This Dzi is said to assist those who are seeking success in business or are attempting to climb the career ladder.

六眼天珠 – 含有熾金的磁場能量,屬於財寶類天珠,適合任何人群佩帶、供養。最利創造財富類的事業,可以聚集所有的偏財和正財,並消除事業當中的各種阻礙因素。佩帶後財勢運程大旺,很短時間內就能發現事業線和天庭將明顯改變。

7 Eye Dzi – The achievement of the 7 happiness and auspicious human needs. Perfection, material, career, wealth, health, longevity and relationships. Information. Brings in good luck in terms of career development, a happy marriage and encourage success.

七眼天珠 – 又被稱為破惡運天珠,可以解除一切不好磁場侵襲,抵抗各種煞氣相剋,化解先天五行的所有不利因素。是改善五行相衝、相剋或命相有大缺陷,影響整個事業運程的如意寶石。

8 Eye Dzi – Helps avoid calamities and injuries, ensures safety in human life. This Dzi helps the owner to receive blessings from the 8 directional Bodhisattvas.

八眼天珠 – 是所有從事下屬職位或競爭處於劣勢的行業者起運寶石,可以獲得八大護法的加持和護佑,以天珠能量的緣起之力,迅速突破所有抑制自己的力量,達到渴望中的理想地位,並可以圓融周圍環境磁場,使一切和諧順意,事事為己所用,獲得眾人的尊敬和羨慕。

9 Eye Dzi – Highly benefits for compassion / glory / protection / fame / dignity / power / authority / control / reputation. Help in high achievements for businesses, career and stability. Removal of obstacles and bring safety.

九眼天珠 – 天珠極品,此珠寓意大圓滿九乘。可以順心所願的達成自己的意願,獲得九乘佛法的領悟緣起,調和五行之力,破除一切煞氣和晦氣,使自己與環境磁場完美統一,智慧、事業、運程、愛情、家庭和財富等所有的磁場都獲得整體提升。適合各種五行、生肖人群供養佩帶。

10 Eye Dzi – A symbol of perfection in everything. The pure Dzi signifies the clearance of obstacles, an increase in power and virtue, and is said to have a great influence on success in life.

十眼天珠 – 十眼天珠是威德之珠,除业障、生威德得人心、获爱慕、人生得意、十全十美。对生性软弱和威势不够的人来说,有补充的效果, 尤其对位高权重的人来说更加德威势力 万事顺畅。

Treasure Vase Dzi – This Dzi bead brings great luck to its owner, providing wealth and long life without rigors. It grants prosperity to businessmen, wisdom to those who are anxious for knowledge, enlightenment to those who look for spiritual path.

寶瓶天珠 – 是財富的源泉。寶瓶天珠是一切財富的首領和核心,具有匯聚正財、偏財和天降財的能量。是一尊能夠隨身賜福顯靈的財神。

Turtle Back Dzi – Turtle is a long liver among animals. A man always wanted to have the strong body and long life as the tortoise has. This is what Turtle Back Dzi grants to us. It not only strengthens health and protects against illness but also helps to get rid of material problems. Besides, the turtle is wise – the bead grants this quality to its owner.

龜甲長壽天珠 – 它是西方長壽佛加持的聖物,專解五行命氣微弱和受不良磁場、靈物損害而導致的暴病、夭折等厄運。對於先天命氣的補充有不可思議的不共力量,利於多病的老人和手相生命線短小、難養的小孩佩帶,有速起沉疴的神效。

Benefactor Dzi – This Dzii bead embodies our unseen protector and guardian, who will be next to you in any situation and will help to turn the circumstances for your benefit. It will give you self-confidence, will attract friends, partners, protectors and advisers to you

贵人天珠 – 佩戴贵人天珠可得贵人扶持、頂天立地、 遠離小人、 消除業障重罪、 免除危害、 一生为安、富贵容华之意。

Striped Dzi – This bead helps to turn unfavorable situation into favorable one. If you listen to it, it will prompt you how to get what you want (provided that it won’t damage anybody). This bead promises harmonic life and prosperity to its owner– all you need is to get in tune with this bead, to feel and distinguish the signs which it will give you.

线天珠 – 线珠的最大功能就是可以提高智慧和領悟能力,並破除一切偏見和矛盾的引發因素,是睿智者的得力臂助,同時亦有調和五行命氣的作用。

God of Wealth Dzi – The God of Wealth, is one of the most popular symbols of Fortune and Prosperity. He brings auspicious money luck and prosperity into the household. Thus, this Dzi has the power to attract money luck. The God of Wealth Dzi has the special duty to help people through regular and irregular income (such as gaining windfall luck and gambling luck). It brings prosperity (gains in monetary perspective) and good fortune to its owner.

财神天珠 – 财神天珠代表富贵荣华, 财神天珠又名贵人天珠,其图案类似人形,象征贵人相助,远离小人,平安顺遂,财运亨通

Joyful Buddha Dzi – This Dzi can bring wearer away from difficulties faced in life, reduce karmic debts and alleviate overall well being.

欢喜佛天珠 – 可使供奉及佩带者脱离尘垢、去除业障、得无上正法加持。

Garuda Dzi – This Dzi is said to have the ability to heighten ones reputation and increase luck with fame. In addition to this, this Dzi is believed to keep you safe from malicious spirits, evil energy, disease and death.

大鹏鸟天珠 – 佩戴此珠的人能随时得到大鹏鸟的加持、守护、破除一切积攒已久晦气和不顺,尤其利于消灭小人和幽灵之类的外力违缘。拥有大威神力,可降服魔敌,增功德利益,能去除病苦,是强身健体的如意宝珠象征吉祥圆满使一切黑暗中众生获得光明。

Mountain Peak Dzi – This Dzi brings the owner strength, stability, support and strong back up in all areas and arenas of business, career and opportunity. This Dzi also protects wearer from any negative energies and can move out of dangerous situations swiftly like wearing a amour. It promotes harmony within the house and bring in abundance as well.

靠山天珠 – 靠山天珠是風水天珠,在調和磁場方面具有其他天珠不同的能量,佩帶靠山天珠的人無論走到哪裏,再兇險的風水格局都不會構成威脅,因為天珠的能量猶如金剛罩護身,外來不利磁場不能撼其毫髮。如果家中供養此類天珠,則風生水起,家宅安康。靠山天珠协助佩戴者在事业上,生活上更加的独立,事业顺利推广和快速发展。佩戴者还能增加强度,稳定性,和在各个领域上建立坚固的基础和机会。

Money Hook Dzi – Its main purpose and power is to help its owner to acquire wealth, to hook it and to attract it for its owner. It helps to multiply and keep what the person does to acquire wealth – his striving to success, wealth and happiness. Money Hook promotes success in financial issues, attracts business luck and helps to strengthen wealth. This Dzi is considered to be so powerful that it begins working from the first day. The more you communicate with it the stronger it becomes and intensifies your intuition for a better chance in life.

金錢勾天珠 – 招引财富,财源滚滚,聚收丰利。 有一个看起来像S字形的勾,并相信那个S字形的勾可以招来财富和繁。金钱勾天珠可以协助佩戴者得到更多的赚钱机会和增加聚财的能力。 更重要的是,它还可以稳定您的财运,防止漏财。

Dharma Hat Dzi – This Dzi grants protection of the gods and buddhas, purifies physically and spiritually, brings out internal powers and talents, grants health and helps in self-improvement. If you treat the bead like sacral Buddhist thing, it will lead you to a wise master and push for enlightenment. This Dzi will improve your life in any case.

莲师法帽天珠 – 福德增加,除魔去灾、法力无边、一切恶运疾病尽除、圆满福寿皆增长之意

Tiger Tooth Dzi – This Dzi destroys fears, amplifies self-confidence, develops courage and internal power. It helps to eliminate the obstacles and to achieve luck and success. It helps businessmen to win the competitors, opens new opportunities and eliminates the obstacles on the way to success. If you present this Dzi to a child, it will protect him when you can’t.

虎牙天珠 – 虎牙天珠以威勢聞名,小孩的百日關、大人的事業關、女人的婚姻關、老人的壽辰關,只要戴上火供及開啟過能量場的天珠,立刻身心和悅、五行發旺,輕鬆沖關闖卡,絲毫不傷命氣,有從虎口奪命之力,故稱虎牙天珠。

Fortune Wave Dzi – Wave is the symbol of wealth, which is inexhaustible like the ocean. This Dzi carries the power of water and vomits the blessing to his owner. It grants prosperity, happiness, power and protection. Water is also the image of our feelings, which this Dzi helps to harness, to align and focus them. This Dzi will be useful for those who want to be out of doldrums and remove emotional blocks.

水纹天珠 – 水代表财,财源滚滚,财运络绎不绝。 这天珠是财富的象征,因为它带来了财富和好运络绎不绝,给人一种精力和信心去克服一切障碍,并扮演着意志力和毅力的角色。 由于在东方信仰关系,水是财富的一种象征。

Lotus Dzi – This Dzi, like the Lotus flower, is an emblem of tranquility, sincerity, harmony and purity. Your mind, body and soul will be revitalized, and the Dzi will allows you to have a higher sense of compassion and joy.

蓮花天珠 – 蓮花天珠可以幫助佩帶者從任何意外的不利因素中解脫出來,避免凶星惡曜的傷害,也可化解五行中克制命氣的孤煞及風水中的沖煞、夭折煞等剛猛力量。尤利於五行缺水者扭轉乾坤。

Heaven & Earth Dzi – This Dzi has specific mystic energy: it became the portal for connection of Sky and Ground, some kind of a corridor, through which you will get knowledge about past and future. Ground is the basis for life. Sky is the basis for plans and dreams. That’s why this Dzi is useful for businessmen and for those who want to fulfill dreams.

天地天珠  天地天珠可以調整年月日時八字不利所帶來的損害,填補八字中所欠缺的部分,化解生辰中被克被沖的吉祥運程。可聚集天地的靈氣和加持,使得所求所願都能順利的圓滿達成,從根本上改變一生的運勢。

Phurba Dzi – This Dzi helps to balance 5 elements in life, promote “yang qi” for those who are weak in health, have breakthrough in life and suitable for those who clash with “tai sui”.

金剛杵天珠 – 金剛杵天珠是密宗魔法器金剛杵的原型。最大的功用在於扶助五行平和、命氣虛弱的人補足元氣,發旺運勢,改變和打破事業長期處於平淡、陷於瓶頸的休絕運勢,是逢太歲和衝剋年歲人士的最佳起運寶石。

Medicine Buddha Dzi – This is a special healing bead, one of the most ancient forms of Dzi, which energy is directed to provide its owner with health and long life. It is considered to become an assistant in healing and purification from bad energies.

药师珠  药师珠过去是一种吉祥物而且具有贸易珠及避邪作用的功能。 由于外形呈圆形,很适宜用来当念珠使用,尤其是佛教弟子以药师珠来修持药师法门,更可达到心神合一的效果,吉祥如意,所求愿满